Hi, Dar. I made this page to show you some cover styles I like and some mockups I came up with. I’m not married to these mockups at all–especially the fonts and their placement.
These are the three mockups I came up with, inspired by the Rita Mae Brown covers below. I like the first and third one pretty well, but I’m not happy with the the one in the middle. I will probably change the titles, since all the bestselling cat mysteries I’ve found have something cat-related in the title. The Christmas book will probably be called A CHRISTMAS FERAL. The one in the middle will probably become A CATERBURY TALE. I haven’t come up with a title yet for the third.
These are some of the Rita Mae Brown covers I was looking at for inspiration.
I also really love these by Sophie Kelly. In the Marley books, there would be only one cat on the cover. He’s a tuxedo cat (black and white). I don’t know how hard it would be to match the real cat’s markings. I have photos, but I don’t know how feasible that is.
And here is one more I think is beautiful, but it might be too busy. (The author changed it from the one with the green curtains to the one with the kitten breathing the fireball, which is more in line with her supernatural genre. But, even though I like the lettering on the second one, I’m not fond of the overall design.)